How Many Hours in a Month?
A month has between 672-744 hours, with an average of 730.001 hours per month.
Quick Answer
Calendar Month
average hours
30.44 days × 24 hours
Work Month
average work hours
21.67 work days × 8 hours
Hours in Different Months
31-Day Months
- • January
- • March
- • May
- • July
- • August
- • October
- • December
30-Day Months
- • April
- • June
- • September
- • November
- • 672 (normal year)
- • 696 (leap year)
- • 28/29 days
Monthly Hours Calculator
Quick Examples:
1 Hours
0 Days
All Conversions:
Work Month Variations
Standard Work Month
- Average: 173.33 hours (21.67 work days)
- Range: 160-184 hours depending on weekends
- Based on 8-hour workdays
Alternative Work Schedules
- Part-time: 80-120 hours
- Compressed: 160 hours in fewer days
- Shift work: Variable hours
Monthly Time Planning Guide
Monthly Time Distribution
Understanding how to distribute your monthly hours can help with better time management and work-life balance.
Work Hours
- • Core work: 160-184 hours
- • Meetings: 20-30 hours
- • Admin tasks: 10-15 hours
Personal Time
- • Sleep: 224-240 hours
- • Personal care: 60-90 hours
- • Recreation: 100-120 hours
Monthly Planning Tips
Professional Planning
- Set monthly goals and milestones
- Schedule recurring tasks
- Plan for month-end activities
Personal Planning
- Balance work and personal time
- Schedule self-care activities
- Plan leisure and family time
Related Time Periods
Monthly Hours FAQ
Why do months have different numbers of hours?
Months vary in length (28-31 days) due to historical and astronomical factors. This results in different total hours: 672 hours for February (normal year), 720 hours for 30-day months, and 744 hours for 31-day months.
How are monthly work hours calculated?
Monthly work hours are calculated by multiplying the number of working days (excluding weekends and holidays) by the standard workday length (usually 8 hours). The average is 173.33 hours (21.67 working days × 8 hours).
How do holidays affect monthly work hours?
Public holidays reduce the total working hours in a month. For example, a month with two holidays would have 16 fewer working hours (2 days × 8 hours), reducing the total from 173.33 to 157.33 hours.